Marinas & Yacht Clubs
Connections That Convert

Marinas and yacht clubs are the staple that holds many of us boating enthausists together.

 We’re pleased to offer marina’s and clubs unlimited communcations with our boating community. 

Grow your memberships with online recommendations and easy-to-use tools. Expand your reach and continue to build trust, while helping your community live their best boating lifestyle.

Locals are looking for the community experience

marinas and yacht clubs


marinas and yacht clubs

Enjoyable for the whole family

marinas and yacht clubs

Healthy lifestyles

It's all about the boating community

Word-of-mouth marketing is the key to building your marina and yacht club on a local level. Get locals raving on BoatChatR™ about your event and experience in their community. Neighbors listen — They want trusted recommendations.

marinas and yacht clubs

Tools for busy schedules

Reach a new source of hyper-local power and sailing owners. Showcase your proud amenties, mooring, docks, storage, restaurants and gas docks.

Free marina & club profles

Help locals get to know you and your marine services and club expectations. Connect with the marine loving community in your area and build your reputation. Promote services and events.

Grow your membership

Meet your marketing goals with ease with hyper-local exposure to local boating enthusists. Turn community members into your valued members and associate members.

Operations management tools

Organize & manage your club's time year round. Respond to in-App inquiries, forward quotes and confirm price and dates for slips, events and services. Process payments quickly if needed.

Market events & services

Help keep membership costs low with added events and more amenity sales. Special activities & events, weddings, short-term docking and mooring, gas dock, marine services and more...

Employee & member profiles

Communication is key to managing employees, members and watercraft profiles. Instantly communicate with members, review updated boat profiles, insurance and more...

Community news & posts

Share photos and news about events and services that build trust and grow your marine community. Capture new, local boating enthausiasts as members and associate members with ease.

Showcase your marina and yacht clubs expertise and commitment to a
safe and enjoyable marine lifestyle.

Looking to expand on a national scale? Access all the tools you need on Ship2Mates, or we can create your own App at

Fill out this form for advanced App programs and increased growth opportunities.

marinas and yacht clubs
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